Sunday, November 05, 2006

Day 5 of NaNo

virgin cherry bomb
DAY 5 15,913 words. I can't believe it. I don't really know where these words are coming from. I sit down to write one scene and a totally different thing shows up on the computer. I keep saying I don't know where I am going next and then I suddenly have a new scene. It just comes. I hope this continues so that I can successfully complete the 50,000 words.

On another note I went to a meeting tonight with three other people registered for NaNo in this area. It was interesting to hear the different ideas for stories. One girl Liv, has been doing Nano for four years. She says she got to 25,000 words last year and got a concussion and was unable to finish. That must have been hard to take. Each of us has reached a different word count, of course, and I find I am in the middle range of the group. One of our number has not written anything until tonight, when he got prodded by threats of being stuck with a fork. They seem like a nice group of people and it is good to have someone close by to give encouragement besides my husband and daughter.

I am going to keep plugging away. I really would like to complete the challenge and possibly get a novel out of this. So far it looks promising. I just have to keep at it. Wish me luck.


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